Noella LeDrew is a freelance graphic designer and multi-media artist living and working in East Sooke, near Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC.




                               Here's just a few samples of my creations...



"Connected" - paper collage

The quote that inspired this piece and spans the length of the clothesline is as follows: 

" This we know... all things are connected like the blood that unites one family. all things are connected. whatever befalls th e earth befalls the sons of the earth. man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand of it. whatever he does to the web he does to himself."    Chief Seattle

"Loki" Mask - burnished & pitfired clay

... knows more than is revealed, but all will be revealed in time...

Spirit Incognito

"Spirit Incognito" - acrylic on canvas
The smaller (white) words that can't be read here are:
ALL people should be free to be who thay are born to be.

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"Sunflower" - digitally altered  photography

"Blue Bee" - digitally altered photography

"Still & Alive" - digital art

"Teardrops" - acrylic on canvas





NO Mask - wine & potatoes

The only thing that remains constant... is change.


"Squash Curl" - digital photography
Macro photography is my favourite kind... it seems representative of the tiny important details and beauty of life that most people miss in their scurrying around. I don't like to miss the beauty or the important stuff.


"Dare" - digital art

The words at the feet of these colourful personalities:

"Dare to be different. Stand out from the crowd. Be original. Be yourself."


Here's the painted version:

"The Bachelorette" - acrylic on masonite

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"Feminina 1" - digital art card

"Kaleidoscope of Angels" - digital art

"One In A Million" - acrylic on canvas


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