Noella LeDrew is a freelance graphic and web designer and multi-media artist living and working in East Sooke, near Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC.
home | design | paint | paper | clay | camera | links
links of interest & inspiration
ok... and a wee bit of shameless self-promotion
artand inspiration... |
entertainment eat, drink and be merry... David Essig "One of the finest blues guitarists and songwriters in the world." The Flying Accusations Vancouver Island's own! Their combination of Roots, backwoods, newgrass, altcountry and original tunes, will appeal to the most discriminating Hillbilly. Heee!Haw! www.flyingaccusations.comDancing Bean Cafe in Chemainus, BC Great coffee, food, music and art. (graphic & web design client) The Great Canadian Beer Festival Victoria, BC. Brought to you by CAMRA - Campaign For Real Ale
serviceswhen it's gotta be done... Windsor Park Flowers - Floral & Gift Creations - serving the Victoria area for over 35 years. MISTER SWEEPER Vacuums - Healthy Home Centres - Three locations on Southern Vancouver Island to serve you. Seaside Carpet Cleaning - Tom D'Arcy - Based in Victoria, BC (graphic design client)
computer stuff...Capital Hosting Quality web hosting and domain name registration, Sooke, BC. C/Net Downloads Computer program reviews and free/trial downloads. Safe and spyware-free! |
wellness for body, mind & spirit...
Vipassana Meditation Website This is the international home page of the organizations which offer courses in Vipassana Meditation in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin as taught by S.N. Goenka and his assistant teachers. Kingfisher Press - Marine Educational Materials by Dr. Gloria Snively. Dunworkn Industries Ltd. - Carrie Peter - "Your Health and Wealthness Destination" (graphic design and photography client)Numerology by Hanz Decoz The best site I've found for learning everything about numerology. Astrology & Numerology by Michael McClain newsandinfo... East Sooke Community Website (graphic & web
design client)
Rural Observer "Celebrating our Rural Community Lifestyle" - a local community newspaper by the Juan de Fuca Rural Publication Society (graphic & web design client) |
home | design | paint | paper | clay | camera | links
web design �2005 - 2006 Noella LeDrew