Noella LeDrew is a freelance graphic & web designer and artist living and working in East Sooke, near Victoria on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.


Free Printable Paper Craft Projects

Reindeer Gift Tags

This page contains 8 different coloured tags that you can print out on card stock or sticker paper. Reindeer Gift Tags (481 kb)

Printable Paper Craft Projects

Vellum Votive Candle Wraps

Each of the following project sheets include four votive candle wrappers - each with its own unique colours & designs.

Snowflake Votives

Warm up those chilly winter nights with these colourful festive lights. SnowflakeVotives.PDF (1,069 kb)

Celtic Votives

These votive candle wraps feature celtic knotwork motifs. CelticVotives.PDF (377 kb)

Zen Votives

Japanese Kanji symbols and the English translation are featured on these calming lights, similar to the one in the photo above. ZenVotives.PDF (108 kb)

Directions: Simply click on the links to open the craft project of your choice. Print the page on translucent vellum paper using the highest quality print setting on your own inkjet or laser printer. (If you don't have vellum, plain white paper will also work.) Cut out around each votive wrapper, and using a hole punch or x-acto knife, cut out the holes on each side. Wrap around your glass votive candle holder and tie together with raffia or string. Light a candle and enjoy!

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